The current method of supplying food for the growing worldwide population is unsustainable and detrimental to environmental and human health. Historically, farmers were once living in sync with the land, growing food in a biodiverse and harmonic way. This is known as permaculture farming or sustainable agriculture. As technology advanced and the population increased, these once-ethical farming practices soon became long gone. Today, farming is primarily focused on monetary gain which results in large-scale mono-cropping and factory farming. This is embedded with dangerous chemicals, unethically mass-produced, and depletes irreversible vital resources.
Spraying the land with pesticides will not meet the growing demands of the population. A more gentle approach to such chaos is a process known as permaculture farming. Through various techniques and mimicking the Earth’s natural processes, profit, and crop yield can be maximized. It is amazing what will happen when fields contain microbe-rich soils and hundreds of crop varieties.
what is sustainable agriculture?
The term sustainable agriculture, according to the United States Department of Agriculture and Cornell Law, means “an integrated system of plant and animal production practices having a site-specific application that will over the long-term:
- satisfy human food and fiber needs.
- enhance environmental quality and the natural resource base upon which the agriculture economy depends
- make the most efficient use of nonrenewable resources and on-farm resources and integrate, where appropriate, natural biological cycles and controls
- sustain the economic viability of farm operations
- enhance the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole”
sourced from: “Sustainable Agriculture | National Agricultural Library”
why does this matter?
Permaculture farming promotes biodiversity among crops, ecological pest management, water conservation, and soil health. The core principle of permaculture is for humans to diminish the use of pollutants and industrial technology in agriculture. The goal is to create a more holistic farm that is modeled after natural ecosystems. A huge misconception is that sustainable practices are not profitable. However, permaculture improves efficiency with resources and therefore creates productive growing environments with lower costly inputs. Sustainable agriculture aims to be:
- productive
- profitable
- enhance natural resources
- improve the quality of life for families and communities
Sustainable farming can be successful through techniques such as:
- cover crops
- crop rotation
- rotational grazing
- planting locally adapted breeds/ resistant varieties
The goal is to produce food to meet today’s rising needs while not compromising the land for future generations and immediate profit. Current farming systems will change with increased education, awareness, and regulations.
the importance of sustainability
Sustainable agricultural practices aim to transform agriculture towards climate-resilient practices. According to the philosopher Paul Thompson, there are two concerns in today’s agriculture. The first is agriculture on an industrial level, and the second is related to the land. The industrial side focuses on how to optimize monetary profit, regardless of environmental impacts. This can become problematic when low-cost seeds, fertilizers, pest management, etc are used, as opposed to what will help the longevity of the land.
The more agrarian perspective emphasizes family-oriented, small-scale farming. Organic farming promotes the protection of human health and the environment while also slowing climate change and cutting down on chemicals. Organic farming uses techniques such as biodiversity in crops, cover crops, rotational grazing, resistant plants, intercropping, and maintaining the health of the soil.
Could there be a third way of thinking where organic items are offered at an industrial/commercial level? What would it take for humanity to become stewards of the land and change their perspective on how we grow food? Sustainability matters because if humans continue to create environments where food is unable to grow or chemicals are so high, the fate of the human species is at risk. Agriculture is how humans get fresh food and water. Without these essential elements, humans will perish. Sustainable practices are crucial to keep the human population alive and preserve the land for future generations.
the human relationship with nature
Historically, indigenous tribes were one with the planet and respected all creatures that roamed about. When they would hunt, every part of the sacred being that was sacrificed would be honored and used. They grew food in harmony with the planet’s natural cycles, walked barefoot, and truly loved one another. Today, humans have seemed to stray far from their roots of living in tune with nature. People are pumped with chemicals from their food and brainwashed by technology. It seems as if humans can no longer think straight.
Anthropocentrism is the concept that humans are at the top of the food chain. Nature is here for the pure benefit of humans only. This greedy, self-centered mindset has led to nothing but chaos. As natural resources are depleted, humans tend to not realize the harm this will cause in the future. In other words, anthropocentrism means humans value nature because of the value of resources that it can provide for humans.
On the other hand, ecocentrism is the mindset that humans value nature just for the sake of it. People are one with the environment. When humans adopt a more ecocentric mindset, they are no longer above the environment. Instead, the perspective changes, and people live in sync with the ecosystems by having minimal interference and damage to them. Permaculture supports the ecocentric viewpoint as it requires people to be stewards of the land and enhance natural cycles. Hint: the fewer people are involved with disrupting nature the better!
the fate of agriculture and humanity
The fate of farming tends to lie in the hands of each of us. Think about it, every single human on the planet needs food to survive. There is an importance of change in public decision-making to address numerous environmental crises. We are not above nature or any beings in this world. Being a conscious global citizen requires coming together and pushing for more natural ways of farming.
Start on the individual level and make slight changes to everyday life. Do you need to use that much plastic? Can you support local organic farms instead of large corporations? Can you try eating less meat per week? Start with yourself, and lead by example. These small changes may not make a difference at first, but collectively the more we push for holistic practices, the louder our voices will be heard. From the smallest microorganism in the soil to the largest mammal in the sea, we are all connected. It is time to start caring for the planet for the sake of our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and every generation after that. So if you do not want to do it for yourself, do it for them. The future generations deserve to live in a world where they can drink clean water and eat fresh food.
And on that note, as always:
much love, peace & vibez 2 u & all beings everywhere
-EC <3