There is no doubt that looking or stepping out into nature has an overwhelming calming effect. Mother earth heals and provides us with many physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. With these fast-paced lives we lead, spending time with the trees is becoming less important in our daily routines. As you read the words on the following page, I hope you remember your roots. We were created from the earth, and we shall return to her. Your mother is calling you home and misses you.
let’s start with some science …
There have been numerous studies that have shown the positive correlation of time in nature and our physical/mental health. Being with mama gaia can:
- reduce blood pressure & stress levels
- calm the nervous system
- enhance our immune systems
- lessen anxiety
- help us to stay present
- improve moods
- increase self-esteem
- improve sleep & focus
- and many other benefits!!
Although it is difficult to randomize and control these studies/experiences, some things in life we can’t quite fathom yet. One study done in a hospital looked at the amount of time it took for patients to recover from surgery and the location of their recovery. Half the patients were in rooms that overlooked the park, while the other half were in rooms that overlooked the parking lot. The patients overlooking nature not only recovered much faster but also had smoother recoveries. There are lots of experiments done out there like this one, which makes us question is there more to life than just this 3D realm?
earth heals by grounding
Grounding or Earthing is a therapeutic technique of realigning your electrical energy by connecting with the earth. The earth heals through an unlimited supply of electrons which move into you as you make contact with her. Have you ever noticed how much better you feel after going on a hike or sitting at the beach? That’s because your body is synchronizing with the natural frequencies of the planet and dissipating any static electricity. Think about it, our ancestors were grounded 24/7. They never had rubber shoes or elaborate housing that made them disconnected with the dirt. There are a few different ways of harnessing these natural negative electric charges:
- contact with any type of earth (grass, dirt, sand, soil)
- swimming in bodies of water (rivers, oceans, lakes)
- touching plants & living trees (especially with wet bark)
- gravel & rock (that is touching The Earth)
- unsealed concrete and/or brick (or coated with a water-based sealant)
- earthing mats and chords (plugs into grounding outlet in house)
forest bathing is showing how the earth heals
Forest bathing is truly basking in the glory of the trees. Taking some time to truly be present with all your senses is the essence of this practice. When you are submerged deep in the woods, what do you see? Look closely to the barks and the leaves. Notice the textures, colors, designs. What do you hear? Maybe some birds are chirping off in the distance or the forest is thick with noisy critters. Feel the soil beneath your feet. What do you smell in the forest? There is such a healing presence with the spirits of the jungle. Earth heals you so appreciate/connect to her essence.
how often should I go outside?
I honestly say to be in nature as often as you can. In the summer months, I found myself outside doing work on the porch for hours at a time. According to scientific research, the minimum recommended time outdoors is around 2 hours a week (10-30 mins a day). Here are some easy tips to make earthing apart of your daily rituals:
- meditate outside instead of inside
- walk your daily route barefoot instead (who cares what people think)
- have a beach day!!
- read a book outside on a bench
- work from home outside or with an earthing mat
- spend time in nature right when you wake up
- opt for outdoor workouts vs indoor
- have meals in the park or on your back porch
the importance of sunlight
When the cold, dark winter months approach, there is no doubt that our moods start to shift. The sun (when played with responsibility) provides so much warmth and love to our bodies. Think of how you feel sitting on the grass soaking up her beautiful rays. Without her vitamin D support, we can get fatigued and have low serotonin. This can make it hard to focus or get tasks done, even if it’s something you want to do! In addition eating foods that are receiving DIRECT sunlight is critical – none of that processed crap! When it is harder to find locally grown vegetables, there are alternative methods like vitamin D pills or glow lamps.
there is research that plants talk !
Have you ever hugged a tree? The term “tree hugger” seems to be negative, but trees are here to give us love and support. We use their shade, we can sit against them and relax. Taking a second to stop and express gratitude to the plants around you can feel so amazing and freeing. While cooking, notice and infuse love into the fresh, abundant food. Mother nature is always communicating, we just need to listen within ourselves to hear.
There is new technology that can hook up to plants and observe their levels of communication. These frequencies emitted can be used in healing sound baths. In addition, herbalists connect with plants to create concoctions for physical, mental or spiritual blockages one might have. Isn’t it amazing that mama gaia gave us these beautiful, living beings to incorporate into our daily lives?
earth heals via water forming crystals
Along the lines of plants communicating, water is constantly receiving and carrying information around it! In the book The Hidden Messages In Water, the molecular structure of water was experimented with. It was found that water crystals would change based on certain words, music, and photos it was exposed to. Water is the most advanced technology on the planet, yet we don’t even realize this. It can carry messages from whatever it is exposed to. Take this week to make a habit of talking into your water every day with positive affirmations. Although you may not see the physical change in water, your cells will be much happier and appreciate it!
society is realizing the benefits nature gives us
Connecting with nature has an array of positive affects for humans. Many cities are implementing more parks and community green spaces to encourage people to get outside. For instance, several universities such as Harvard have installed vertical wall gardens in student study areas. This has lead to increased air flow and provides a calming presence. In addition, many hospitals are starting to use nature to help patients in recovery. We need to start living from the same mindset that our ancestors did. They lived with mother earth, not against her, and they respected/ loved her. We are one with the planet, not against it. I hope that a little mindful time outside each day will make you remember this <3
Nature = happier you = happier people around you = happier community = happier, more peaceful world!
much love, peace & vibez 2 u & all beings everywhere
-EC <3