dear earth child,
within this sacred safe place, you will find many pages infused with divine love to aid in nourishing yourself through remembrance of the mental, physical, and spiritual. we incarnated at this time to allow our souls to experience this realm with all it has to offer, some of us are even called to aid in the evolution of the planet. mama gaia calls to you now, to remember who you are and your connection to that around you. hear her whisper in the wind that rustles through the trees or as the bee that buzzes in the meadow. embrace that all beings and everything is connected, we are all one. how you treat yourself, will in turn reflect on the collective. we all live busy, fast paced lifestyles, so here it is okay to slow down, process the information, and incorporate it into your daily practices. through the infusion of our mother nature, look to her for guidance and to stay rooted; much love
-earth child <3