Solo travel in your 20s and 30s is quiet remarkable and life changing, here are some reasons why…
1. room for reflection
In such a fast-paced world, when was the last time you got to sit down and reflect? For me, I was in a constant go-go-go stage of mind. With long train rides in the mountains, or eight hour bus rides along the coast, you can finally breathe. Pause and take a look at what you have done, where you want to go, and also become more present. With so much alone time, you will be able to think, journal, and realize. You spend so much time with yourself yet do you truly know who you are? What are your deep rooted passions or childhood triggers that affect you to this day? What are you even looking for in life and in a partner or friend? It’s crazy what some quiet time and a little bit of solo travel will do for you. And hey, it’s cheaper than therapy right?
2. a new start
You get a clean slate when you solo travel. Become anyone you want to be…heck you can even change your name! You will be constantly meeting new people, especially if you stay in hostels. Here, solo travelers are frequently coming in and out, with the intention of meeting new people. It is much easier to socialize in hostels than at the bars in your hometown. Hostels have lobbies where you can hang out or social events to meet new people. For all my introverts out there – you will probably never see these people again. This can be sad yet also freeing. So, be whoever you want to be with no fear of judgment or rejection. No one knows who you are or your past, you can quite literally rewrite all of this.
3. self growth
We tend to grow in the discomforts in life. People who have solo traveled are generally much more open minded than those who have never left their countries. That feeling of being thousands of miles from home and having to figure it out on your own, shapes you. Sure, you might run into hiccups along the way, but just like with anything in life we come out stronger. Oh, you are asking the universe for more confidence, how about trusting yourself? Well, solo travel is the perfect way to grow in these areas and more. You can not just magically gain qualities from the universe without being in uncomfortable situations that challenge you. The girl going into solo travel in 2021 is nowhere near the girl who came out in 2023. And, that is a blessing in of itself!

4. exposure to the world
You have no idea how much of a bubble you are in until you actually leave. I have a tattoo of the word “sonder.” It’s the realization that each passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own. Everyone you see all has a life filled with their own emotions, dreams, relationships and problems. This feeling of connectedness and oneness truly can not be put into words. Those late night conversations you will have with strangers are some core memories you will cherish forever. You will see how different parts of the world live, think, and act. You will be exposed to so many people of different backgrounds, varying religions, cultures and ways of life. It’s crazy to experience just how big the world is. This will mold you into a well rounded, open minded, mature individual. And BONUS – these qualities look great on resumes!
laughter is universal when language is not
5. meeting new people
I’m from a small town so I get the struggle of meeting new people. Solo travel allows you to experience humans from all parts of the world. Maybe you never had a partner or are going through a breakup. Well, book a flight and I guarantee you will get yourself in some sort of situationship. It’s not you, it’s your lack of travel ;). It’s the ultimate form of speed dating/friend meeting. A huge plus is now you have friends all across the world!! I have been able to visit so many places by staying with friends I met solo traveling. I never might have gone to these places if I never met these people.

6. freedom
Let’s keep it simple; I got to go where I wanted, when I wanted, with who I wanted. I did not have to compromise or feel obligated to constantly talk to someone. Being alone pushed me into being a smarter traveler, more aware of my surroundings, and also forced me to meet new people (instead of relying on a friend from home). I met some people who were traveling with friends, and they got pretty sick of eachother after a while. One wanted to go see museums, while another wanted to roam the streets. Little compromise was made and they both did not have the same experience they would have if they solo traveled. If you are going to be in a different country, might as well make your own agenda that excites YOU.
Perhaps you have always been someone who compiles your days with school, work, friends, etc. We live in a society where “hustle grind” culture is normal and days off are frowned upon. Now imagine being in the middle of nowhere, with no responsibilities or people to report to. No morning routines or schedules or deadlines to meet. Just you, a brand new region, and an infinite amount of exploring to do. Go where you feel called to, people-watch in a park, journal in a coffee shop. Your day is free and flexible. To me this is the ULTIMATE sense of freedom.
7. inspiration
Sometimes in life we feel stuck. Maybe your same old routine has become dull and boring. Maybe you are like me and just graduated college now wondering what to do with your life. The amount of possibilities and opportunities you will come across when you solo travel is vast. Everything really does happen for a reason. Picture this:
you booked that one way ticket → you met this person in that hostel → you two spark up a conversation and it turns out he has a job opportunity for you → now you live in your dream country with your dream job you never knew existed
you booked that one way ticket → you meet someone in a bar in southeast Asia → five years later you have started a family together
But if you never booked that ticket, never met that person, then you never would have had this life path. Instead, you stayed home and worked the same crappy job. Now your spiraling thoughts daily of self doubt create your reality that you are unworthy of a life of abundance. Don’t live your life with what-ifs, just go out and do it. My biggest fear was being 50 years old and regretting not leaving when I was 20. Remember, you can always come back home, but if you never leave you will never know what could have happened. Serendipity is a real thing and the universe has your back in all of this.

8. you realize all you need is yourself
We are so trained to think we need more stuff to be happy. Once I get this mansion then I will be happy, once I get married then I will be happy. Then you acquire these things and you just want the next best. It was only me and a backpack. I wore the same three outfits in rotation and developed a minimalist lifestyle. Coming home to America was an extreme culture shock because here it seems “the bigger the better.” At the end of the day all you need is yourself. We get so bogged down with material possessions, but when we die we do not take any of this with us. I remember losing my favorite pair of sandals when I was abroad. My mom said “screw the shoes, we can buy new ones, but we can never buy a new you.”

final thoughts …
Being in a new environment with new people will surface ideas you never knew you had. You will quite literally be forced to babysit yourself and feel your deepest, suppressed emotions. This may sound scary, but what’s even scarier is being on your deathbed realizing that you don’t even know who you are or why you are here. You really think we just randomly incarnated to this planet? Are you here to just work a 9-5, get married, have kids, then die? Traveling will show you the oneness in all beings and your divine path. You will meet people and circumstances along the way that will awaken these healings and realizations within you. When you take a leap of faith, trust the universe, and lean on yourself, everything always works out for you. But hey don’t just take it from me, try it for yourself.
Remember to simply let go, let it flow, and go in with no expectations. Don’t compare your solo travel experience to mine. There are so many of us, we are all different, and that’s what makes this earth so unique.
much love, peace & vibez 2 u & all beings everywhere
-EC <3