When was the first time you were introduced to this concept of a sustainable lifestyle? Maybe you have been to a climate change march before or seen the “there is no planet B” shirts. Although we differ heavily in various aspects of this human existence, we all share the same home. How we treat the planet is a reflection of our own internal states. You will tend to treat those around you and the earth the same way you treat yourself. Thus, unhappiness within will reflect in an unhappy planet. Learning to break this karmic cycle will allow you to evolve your state of consciousness. So, let’s start by making small changes towards a more sustainable lifestyle.
why be sustainable?
The biggest question I like to ask people is why not? If you have the choice for a sustainable lifestyle, why choose the morally wrong option? Is it because you’re lazy or tired? Well, think about how the earth feels! She is fed up with this nonsense and greed. For those who live under a rock: global warming and climate change are a huge concern right now. It is important to remember that we are visitors to this planet. We belong to the earth, the earth does not belong to us! Reincarnating on this planet means leaving with as little negative karma as possible. Let us respect this land and preserve it for generations to come.
There are many arguments that a sustainable lifestyle is only for the wealthy. In reality:
- plant-based diets are cheaper (think about the price of a bag of beans vs meat)
- the average American household loses $1,800 per year of food that is wasted
- public transportation is cheaper than owning a car
- switching to cleaner energy may be more expensive at first (like solar), but in the long run, it is much cheaper
- think of how much money one saves when using a menstrual cup ($30 which can last up to 10 years when cleaned properly) vs buying tampons every month ($10 x 12 months x 10 years = $1,200 every 10 years)
- in general, constantly buying disposable anything (bags, razors, paper towels, etc) is going to cost way more than buying something ONCE and reusing it
- many coffee shops will offer discounts if you bring your own cup!

1. sustainable lifestyle in the kitchen
It’s 2023, single-use plastic bags ain’t cute no more! Old habits are hard to break, so noticing when using plastic is the first step. For instance, bringing your own bags to any store (grocery, clothing, etc) is definitely ideal. Have you noticed any other changes you can make? What about the plastic snack bags you are using daily? Or never bring your own containers when you take food home from restaurants? Look for making lifestyle changes in all aspects that use plastic:
- use reusable bags (which are much cuter anyways ;)) for food instead of plastic grocery bags
- opt for the reusable snack bags on the go rather than plastic
- instead of cling wrap to cover food, use reusable glass containers with lids or reusable wrap
- pick up your dog poop smarter!!!! NO MORE PLASTIC!! 🙂
- paperless towels is the way to go (or just use regular hand towels)
- save the turtles and swap plastic for reusable straws (so many options: glass, metal, silicone …)
- no more plastic utensils with take out orders, keep sustainable utensils in your car
- bring your own coffee cups to your favorite shops, don’t be embarrassed to ask, they will probably applaud you for it!!
- buy cleaning products in bulk or go to shops that allow you to refill in the same container
2. reusable toiletries
Sometimes, we don’t necessarily think about the small things. Is your floss reusable? What about your toothbrush? Here are some swaps to consider when it comes to the bathroom:
- switch from disposable into compostable razors
- swap plastic toothbrushes for bamboo toothbrushes
- instead of large plastic hair product containers, switch to bar shampoos and conditioners
- big brand deodorants are bad for you anyways (filled with chemicals and carcinogens), make your own or be sure to use an eco-friendly, all natural deodorant
- bar soaps for the win!!
- for skin care: try reusable cotton pads and eco-friendly lip balms
- floss may be small but think of collectively how much ends up in landfills; try biodegradable dental floss
- use tablets instead of wasting plastic toothpaste bottles
- STOP using plastic applicators and disposable pads, make the switch to menstrual cups and sustainable period products; bonus – this will also save you so much SPACE and MONEY
- use dryer balls instead of sheets
- buy detergents in bulk or go to shops that allow you to refill in the same container

3. composting
This concept may seem overwhelming at first, but it’s quite the opposite. Many areas have been beginning to implement their own composting systems – which is the best case scenario. You scrape your food scraps into the bin, then it’s picked up once a week by your town. Start calling your representatives/local government and say you want this service near you! The more desire for it, the more your local government may push for it.
For those without curbside pickup at the moment, there are multiple composting methods depending on where you live. If you are in a small apartment, maybe an electronic compost system may be best. For those with backyards, having a turning compost with some earth worms may be the way to go. There are several options out there, so researching what is best for you is critical. And don’t give that you’re “lazy” as an excuse, that’s just sad. Let’s all work together to make this planet a better place.

4. gardening/planting trees
We contribute greatly to greenhouse gas emissions: from the cars we drive to how are food is produced. Be conscious and vote with your dollar, which means taking a more sustainable approach to your actions. Many major companies have implemented this idea of offsetting their carbon footprints, and you can too! So if you feel guilty about that flight across the world you just took-plant a tree! We forget how much mother nature provides for us! Trees are so beautiful and help us out in so many ways. Plant some seeds in your backyard or join a gardening club in near you. You connect with the earth, get your hands dirty, and feel good!

5. grow your own food & herbs
It takes much time, energy, and money to ship produce internationally. You also have no control on who is handling your food or what is being sprayed on it. The best way to ensure the highest quality food, grow your own! There’s no more excuses that your “place is too small” or “you don’t have a green thumb.” Change your perspective. There are thousands of videos out there showing people’s small gardens in their apartments through techniques like vertical gardening. If you have a backyard, go wild! It’s cleaner, more sustainable, and very rewarding to see a cute little vegetable grow from a seed then end up on your plate! If you really are that lazy (LAME!), support your local ORGANIC farmers markets or join a gardening club near you.

6. digital carbon footprint: delete emails
As the world shifts to paperless statements, we might forget about our digital footprints. Large inputs of energy are required for cooling these server farms, powering/charging devices, and the production of new technology. There are many studies that estimate digital carbon accounting for at least 3% of global emissions. This doesn’t mean you need to panic and live off grid (I mean if you want to go for it) but rather take simple steps. For instance, emptying your email inboxes daily, reducing video streaming and avoiding HD options when possible. Just be a little bit more mindful of what and how you consume and its impact on the planet. Also remember to properly dispose of any old/unusable electronics in order to live a more sustainable lifestyle.
7. thrifting & slow fashion
Choosing to support local businesses and reusing someone’s clothes is a great way to live a more minimalistic lifestyle. So much of our clothing ends up in landfills and doesn’t degrade in this lifetime. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Second hand stores contain very lightly used pieces of fashion and are washed. Again, it’s not really that big of a deal. For those who seem “above” this concept and think it’s gross, how many mouths have been on those utensils you use at restaurants? Something to think about lol …
Living a sustainable lifestyle means embracing slow fashion. This is all about shopping local and buying things that will last a while. Fast fashion and supporting large companies with very low ethics is not it, sis! I would rather spend $70 on a high quality shirt that will last decades as oppose to $70 on 10 tops that I will discard in a year. Plus, most of these fast fashion companies are using child labor and have very illegal practices. Not good karma to support these in my opinion. The best option though – thrift because it’s local, convenient, and cheap.

8. plant based diet
Eating meat is one of the worst things you can do for the planet, especially red meats. The amount of time, land, water, and food these animals take up are completely unsustainable. Livestock produce immense amounts of methane (a green house gas emission). They live in awful, inhumane conditions and hardly see the light of day. When you support factory farms, you are consuming this toxic energy as the animals die in fear. No wonder everyone is mentally miserable over here! You quiet literally are what you eat!
If you really can’t go without meat (being plant-based is really not that hard!), try supporting local farmers who you know gave these animals a good life. Alternative options are hunting (keeping in mind which populations of species are going extinct in your area) or eating roadkill. Sounds gross, but really have you ever looked up a video of factory farming (hint: that’s even grosser).
Eating foods closer to the sun (like fresh fruits and vegetables!!) contain high amounts of life force energy. Your body craves this! There’s a reason that plant-based diets are on the rise. More and more people are awakening to the realization of how much our food is poisoned. Having a diverse pallet and learning new cultures of food in the kitchen is fun! Don’t know where to start? Here ya go 🙂 & these are some videos as well…

final thoughts 🌿
Choosing a path of sustainability is pretty simple. Although it may be hard to break old habits, try it out with some baby steps. These practices will lead you to start to appreciate the little things in life. Harvesting your own herbs for tea or reusing someone’s old sweatshirt, will leave you feeling rewarded. Embrace slow living and minimalism. We have chosen to incarnate on this planet to raise the vibration, so start with yourself. Let us all live a more sustainable lifestyle together!
much love, peace & vibez 2 u & all beings everywhere
-EC <3